17 03 2017

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Creative Arts Fests is going on 11 years of bringing first rate instructors to you.  We’ve had 10 Cabin Fever events, soon our 5th Master Class Camp, and two years of Fall Foliage Festival.  We’ve seen some of the work up close and personal, but we’d like to see how far you’ve  come too!

If you’ve attended any of these Creative Arts Fests events and want more people to see what you’ve accomplished, send us your pictures! Photos of your work may show up on our blog or Facebook page!  A number of our earlier students have gone on to teach and have their work published in magazines or on PCD.  We are so pleased and proud of you all!

So, if you’ve got something you want to share, send your .jpg photos to: creativeartsfests@yahoo.com with the subject line: (your name) and title of your work.  Please include info on what event you attended, the year, and who your teacher was.  Don’t be shy – this will help encourage others to explore their talents.

Can’t wait to see what you’ve done!

CFCF 2009 – the gang!

3 03 2009
CFCF 2009-Most of the Gang
CFCF 2009-Most of the Gang

Well, it’s over but definitely not forgotten!  Here’s a pic of some of the gang who attended CFCF 2009 (some left early.)  Some dressed in costume and others were characters without masks (he, he, he!) 

Plans are already in the works for next year and we’re moving forward with the event plans for other locations around the country.  If you are interested in attending a future event, please email cabinfeverclayfestival@yahoo.com to be certain your name is added to the list.  We hope to see you soon!  … Stay tuned for more!

WOW!! CFCF 2009 a Huge success!

1 03 2009

Yes, it’s true and I can’t believe it’s over already. In addition to the incredible instructors we had, there were also some very creative attendees. Friendships were renewed and new friendships built…what an adventure we were on. The instructor demos were just as instructive as the workshops…looking forward to getting some photos to you. More to come.

CFCF 2009…About Lisa Pavelka!

5 12 2008

Lisa Pavelka

Lisa Pavelka

Lisa is an award-winning polymer clay artist, author, and designer. While I’ve not had the pleasure of taking a workshop from Lisa, her creative spirit can be seen in many of the arts and crafts media.  She’s been a regular guest on crafting shows and is a frequent contributor to numerous magazines and a regular columnist for Polymer Cafe. She has worked professionally with polymer clay and other media for over 20 years and teaches internationally. Lisa has developed her own lines of buttons and crafting andpavelka-paisley1 clay products and is a certified Art Clay Silver instructor. On the personal side, she is the mother of four grown children, and lives in Las Vegas, Nevada with her husband and two dogs. She’s a chocoholic, has worked in film including a stint as Julia Robert’s photo double, and loves all things involving tea culture.  Join us for your opportunity to learn from Lisa at Cabin Fever Clay Fest! 


CFCF 2009 … Christi Friesen …definitely an original!

28 11 2008

 Christi Friesen     Christi has been in Maryland to teach several times before as well…and she is always a hoot!  Lots of fun and tons of energy.  She definitely LOVES what she is doing.  She’s been traveling a lot recently, so I pulled the following from her website to give you a bit more insight on her psyche.  If you don’t have her books yet, you should definitely think about it…fun in every page.

     From her website: Christi Friesen was born at a very young age, kidnapped and raised by lemmings. She escaped to California where she got married, had various wonderful kids, and amassed credit card bills. She is currently considering having a midlife crisis, unless there’s something good on television.
     CF works in mixed media, combining polymer clay, glass, acrylic, found objects, gemstones and semi-precious stones, glass beads, pearls, precious metals, and pigments to make her unique sculptures and art jewelry. Her preference for 
 polymer as her sculpting medium is a result of the versatility, Steampunk!durability, and unparalleled ease with which it can accommodate gems, pearls and stones. These are worked into the sculpture while the clay is uncured, thus allowing for a very organic design in which the stones are an integrated into the design. The medium is also colorfast and lightweight.  CF is an artist because she must be. Her goal is to amuse herself, and if others are also amused, so much the better. All her pieces are one-of-a-kind and although she may make pieces that are similar in theme or subject, no two will ever be alike. Where would the fun be in that? She is happy to consider commissioned work if the project interests her.
     CF’s work is available at galleries and juried fine craft shows. She is a contributor to magazines and books. More of her pieces can also be found at www.CFOriginals.com.

CFCF 2009 – About Sarah Shriver…

25 11 2008

Sarah Shriver

Sarah Shriver

What can we say about Sarah Nelson Shriver… she’s been coming to Maryland to teach as a guest of the CMDPCG since 2003 and is a pleasure every time.  She shares her wit and talent in every class she teaches.  Now, a bit about her background:     


She is an accomplished polymer clay artist and teacher who graduated from the University of California at Davis in 1983 with a bachelor’s degree in art. In 1986 she was employed in a fabric and art supply store in San Francisco where she first began working with polymer clay. Since 1989 she has been working full time out of her home/studio in San Rafael using the mille fiori, or caning technique to make intricately patterned beads, buttons, and jewelry. Her SS Poppy Inlaybackground in textiles is evident in her designs, which were described in an Ornament Magazine review as “meticulous, delicate, and elegant”.  

Sarah has been recognized as a pioneer and master of her craft and has participated in a number of juried and invitational exhibits and shows.  She loves to teach and has taught all over nationally in the U.S. and internationally including Israel, France, and other European countries. Her work can be seen at www.sarahshriver.com.  If you’d like to join Sarah at CFCF 2009, click on the “Mardi Gras Mania” tab at the top of this page.

CFCF 2009 – Meet Kim Korringa!

17 11 2008
Kim Korringa

Kim Korringa

I’ve been enjoying Kim’s colorful canes for years.  She was a participant at CFCF 2008 and I took the opportunity to ask her if she’d like to teach at CFCF 2009.  After a brief time considering the opportunity, she agreed.  Here’s her PC story as she tells it: “For as long as I can remember, I have been attracted to vivid colors and intricate patterns and detail. As a child I was fascinated by mosaics, quilts and kaleidescopes.  I dabbled in almost every arts and crafts medium throughout my life, and worked for 14 years in Silicon Valley as a technical illustrator, but it was my Mirror Detailpassion for color and pattern that drew me to polymer clay.  I have been working/playing with polymer clay for 15 years now, and though I’ve tried nearly every technique that other artists have pioneered in polymer clay, millefiore caning is my first love.  The intensely saturatated colors and technical detail that I can acheive caning in polymer clay, combined with the wonderful, tactile and childlike experience of working with the clay, is truly satisfying to me.”

CFCF 2009 – About Tory Hughes…

13 11 2008
Tory Hughes

Tory Hughes


Tory has been working in polymer clay and mixed media for thirty-five years. She began her professional career in sixth grade, making things and selling them, and has never looked back. Her imitative techniques influenced many polymer clay artists through application of advanced processes and tools to the medium, as well as the satisfaction of recreating ivory, jade, amber, and other precious materials. Tory has been teaching around the world for twenty-five years, and writes about the creative process and polymer clay: she also has a series of hughes_amberinstructional DVDs. Her greater commitment is to assist all of us in deeper connection to our creative voice; and creating a rich and satisfying life from our understanding. She is a consultant and coach on creative topics. http://www.toryhughes.com


CFCF 2009-About Jana Roberts Benzon…

12 11 2008

Jana Roberts Benzon

Jana Roberts Benzon

Jana Roberts Benzon has a diverse artistic background which includes fiber arts, watercolor, beadwork and various modeling compounds, but nothing has captured her creative spirit like polymer clay.  Jana teaches polymer workshops both nationally and internationally, and has been published in numerous magazines including: Art Jewelry Magazine, Belle Armoire Magazine, Step by Step Beads Magazine, Beadwork Magazine and other books and publications.  She’s best known for her creative technique for reducing canes…and word got around quickly.  jrb-sea-scuptures2She has also published an instructional DVD on her signature millefiori canework entitled “Arabesque Caning” and her instructional DVD, “Secret Shapes Inro”, will be released in December 2008.

This will be Jana’s second time teaching at Cabin Fever Clay Festival and we all welcome her back for another wonderful time.