CFCF 2010: Nan Roche to be honored with Creative Pioneer and Innovator Award

10 12 2009

As registrations continue for the 3rd Annual Cabin Fever Clay Fest  in Feb. 2010 in Laurel, MD, we are pleased to announce that a special award will be given at the event.

Nan Roche, author of “The New Clay“, the first comprehensive book published on Polymer Clay (1991 Flower Valley Press), will be honored with the first Creative Pioneer and Innovator Award at the closing celebration for Cabin Fever Clay Fest, Wed. 24 February 2010 from 7PM til 11PM.  Jeffrey Lloyd Dever will be presenting Nan with this inaugural award on behalf of Cabin Fever Clay Fest and Polymer Clay Fests.    Nan, who has been a scientist working at NIH for many years, was one of the founding members of the National Polymer Clay Guild and the Washington Polymer Clay Guild. 

She was chosen for this first time honor for her numerous contributions to the polymer clay community, specifically having authored the first comprehensive book on polymer clay, or as Jeff refers to it –  “the pc bible“.  It was a labor of love for her and many others who helped her to pull the book together, including her late mother, Sue, who created all of the book’s illustrations; her brother, Chris, the photographer; her husband, John, who was/is her greatest supporter; and many other friends and colleagues who donated their time and artwork for the venture.  It’s wonderful to know that after 18 years, the book has withstood the hands of time and is still looked upon as a valuable resource in the polymer clay community.

Many of us may not be where we are with polymer clay without Nan’s insight into its origin and techniques.  She credits Kathleen Dustin as her first instructor at the Torpedo Factory and Pier Voulkos as her first inspiration to learn more about the medium.

Nan continues to teach periodically  when time allows and she derives great pleasure and energy from teaching her signature techniques.  For those who have not yet taken a workshop from Nan or who are interested in learning a new technique, she will be teaching a NEW one-day Celtic Knots, Braids, and Plaits pre-conference workshop on Saturday, 20 Feb. 2010 at Cabin Fever Clay Fest and we still have space available. Visit the registration page on this blog for forms and additional information.  

If you are not able to attend Cabin Fever Clay Fest but are interested in showing your support and appreciation for Nan, tickets are available for the closing celebration on 24 Feb. for $40 per person. Please email  for additional information. We would be pleased to have you join us at this celebration.



One response

2 01 2010
Deb Pittenger

I’m thrilled to see Nan getting this award. If I hadn’t taken my first clay classes from her 18 years ago, I would not be as confident and comfortable with this medium as I am today. She’s not only a fascinating and innovative teacher, she’s also an incredibly fun person to share time with. Thanks for everything, Nan!

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